Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6, 2014

I have a problem. I think I found a deal breaker with Dylan. 

Last Saturday I went over to his house. It was pretty late when I got there, probably around 10 or so. We were going to head out to the bar, but we were pregaming at his apartment and got so tired we just decided to spend the night in. I was completely okay with that. 

We watched TV for a while and then we went into his room. We had amazing sex. Then he decided he was hungry. He said he wanted Taco Bell because it was just down the street from his apartment. I drove him over and paid for his food (it was like 6 bucks haha). I had promised him on the last date that I'd pay on the next date because he never let's me pay. 

So we were back at his apartment eating our tacos in his living room. After he was done, he walked into his bedroom. He let out the nastiest fart I've ever heard. Instead of confronting him, I just stayed quiet. At least he walked away. 

Then he came over to the table to clean up the wrappers and garbage. When he walked into the kitchen, he let out another one. It was repulsing. It was the nastiest, longest fart I've ever heard. I mean it seriously sounded like he sharted. It was completely sick and I can't get that sound out of my head. 

When he walked back in by me he said, "Sorry, sometimes Taco Bell makes me fart." He literally said it just like that. It grossed me out for a few reasons. 1. Go somewhere else to fart...somewhere I CAN'T hear it! 2. Why did you choose to go to Taco Bell if you knew it makes your butthole make sounds from hell? SICK. 

That's not all...I slept over anyway. That was fine. We cuddled (after we had more amazing sex, of course) and slept soundly the whole night. However, I couldn't help feeling grossed out still. I just saw him in a different (aka nastier) light. 

In the morning when I got up he put a big ol' cherry on top of the already horrendous situation. He said, "I'll be right back. I have to take a poop." Well he was "right back" in about 25 minutes. I mean he knew I was about to leave anyways. Couldn't he just hold it in long enough to walk me to my car and back up to the apartment? It would have been 5 minutes TOPS. Instead I had to sit there in awkwardness while he was in the next room over taking a dump. I know it's human nature, but it's just wayyyyyyy too soon! We haven't even had a talk about being exclusive. (I'm hoping he doesn't assume we're exclusive, but that's a blog post for another day!)

I haven't seen him since because he's been in Michigan all week visiting his parents for the 4th of July. He's coming home tonight and wants to see me. Should I see him again or say see ya later?

I hate being put into shitty (literally) situations with guys! I don't want to stop seeing him because of his (nasty) bodily functions, but I am so repulsed by them that I don't know if I can be serious with him after that!

I left his apartment feeling disappointed. I think my subconscious already knows that this can't work out. 😢

As always, thanks for listening Lovlies! Have a wonderful day!

C 💋

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